Venue: Sound Academy
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Bands: Opeth/Enslaved

Definition:make a slave of. And that's what they did. This progressive black metal band pretty much came on stage and made slaves of Toronto, yes they were that good. Even though Opeth has had many good openers within the last few years like Nevermore or 3, this was probably the best decision as a opener for such a highly looked upon band. Having only 2 bands on the bill, Enslaved got a good long set to play slaving us Ontario metal heads. I have always liked this band but after seeing them, I haven't been able to stop listening to there music (I am living off there myspace since downloading is wrong. Puppies Die). Hopefully they come back soon as headliners since I am sure they gained a new fan base.

Like every time I have seen them, they have been amazing. This set was different compared to there sets that they have had other times. There were a few more soft songs in the mix instead of there general heavy melodic songs. It was a nice change to see songs that they rarely play to the crowd. I do not really feel like typing over and over how great they are but here it is one last time; There great, awesome, and need to work on a new album since Watershed was awesome and I am waiting to hear what is the next album going to be like. Oh and before I forget, they said they are taking a year off after this tour to relax and possibly work on a new record.
1. Heir Apparent
2. Ghost Of Perdition
3. Godhead's Lament
4. The Leper Affinity
5. Credence
6. Hessian Peel
7. Closure
8. The Night And The Silent Water
9. The Lotus Eater
10. Deliverance

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