Venue: The Opera House
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Bands: Mastodon/Kylesa/Intronaut

Great music but there stage presence is not that good. They just stand in there spots and play there parts which after about a song gets boring to watch. But that being said the lack of movement is made up by there awesome music. The bassest Joe Lester actaully impressed me with the nice sound of his bass. His parts were not complex but at the same time he played his parts really well giving off a nice sound, not the average half assed bass that bands generally play live. The ending was cool with the guitarists walking off stage and Joe Lester (Bass) and Danny Walker (Drums) stayed on stage to play giving it a jamming vibe between the two musicians. Everyone started cheering after the set when the band was packing up which kind of made it seem like the crowd was happy that they were packing up there gear but really it was a applause for being so awesome. There songs live sounded just like the recorded tracks off there albums.

The band with a name I never say right, which is pronounced "kai-less-a". This band had qualities to make themselves stand out such as the two drummers Eric Hernandez and Carl McGinley. Also to make them stand out they were fronted by female guitarist/vocalist Laura Pleasants. They were a bit more energetic on stage with the two drummers, bassest Corey Barhorst moving back and forth like he was in his own little world and Laura Pleasants moving away from the mic to headbang. Great tunes and great live show which got kids to start a mosh pit. I have no complaints about them at all, only that they don't come to Canada enough.

Since everyone was in the venue during this set, me and my two friends could not find a place to be able to watch Mastodon so we went upstairs and sat on some couches and just listened to the music. I actually was looking at the hot bartender for visuals. Anyways I am not a Mastodon fan but from the hour and a half set they put on I really enjoyed the first hour which was the whole new album "Crack The Skye". I now need to check out the CD for the music and also the artwork from Paul Romano who in my opinion does the best album art. I actaully went downstairs for the last 2 songs and was able to see a bit of the stage. Also was able to see the screen that Mastodon used to project images of there album art and Kylesa/Intronaut used instead of having banners.
Click the poster for a larger image

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