Venue: Wing Shack
Location: Whitby Ontario Canada
Bands: Fuck The Facts/Heaps Of Dead/The Unborn Dead/F.A.T.O.

These guys were not to good. The instrumentals were fine but the the vocals were what got to me making me not like the band. They have alot of work still to do but on a positive note they had fun and did get the small crowd going a bit.

The singer was drunk and was having a good time. I thought they were an alright band that just needed to keep working on there music. I actaully saw potential in the band. If the singer wasn't as drunk I'm sure they could of been a bit better.

This is where the show started picking up. The band played songs off there new CD "Deceased Dismembered and Left to Decay" which were really good. The vocalist was awesome, the guitarist's were great and the bass player (Chad Parsons) was rocking hard. The bassest rocked so hard that his bass cut out which lead to a hold on the show until he got a replacement bass. Hopefully they come back soon to play and next time I will know there stuff better since I got a copy of there awesome record.
Official Site

The final act of the night FUCK THE FACTS were so awesome, they pretty much fucked up Whitby. Even though the crowd was small they were aggressive in the small pit we had. The band shared the same energy that the crowd had making it just a great show in total. Mel Mongeon really killed the crowd with her aggressive vocals. The same time she would make some pouty faces which were kinda funny to see especially since shes in a grind metal band. Also it was kinda funny to see her standing beside there bassest (Marc Bourgon) since he was so tall and she was so short. Only thing about the set I could say could improve is that Mel's mic would sometimes screech but other then that there set melted some faces and hopefully they come back soon to do it again.
Official Site (Old)
Side Notes:
- During FTF I got hit in the chest by a flying shoe
- Mel Mongeon(Fuck The Facts) is a really kind person, and cute especially in person pic
- CDN Records are cool selling CDS for discount prices
- This show was recorded for a DVD which I can't wait to get a copy of
- Eating onion rings while watching grindmetal kicks ass in my opinion, next time im getting wings
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