Venue: The Phoenix
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Bands:Hollywood Undead/Madina Lake/Sonny

So this is some new band with some member of From First To Last or something along those lines. Some kid was telling me in line. They had these electronic upbeat music playing and then there were 3 guys playing percussion which was really cool. Then it happened, the singer sang the whiniest vocals I have ever heard in my life. I left after a song so I could chill out in the merch room and then sometimes came back in just to hope for something better.

This is the band I came for and they were good. They put there CD's to shame with a heavy performance. I was actually blown away from the drummer Dan Torelli since he made the songs more intense and he was really rocking. The Leone twins were rocking had as well with the singer crowd surfin during the first song. What else was really cool was that in the middle of the set they had these balloon balls fall down on the crowd being smacked around until they pop which released confetti. They are definitely worth checking out again live. And also there new CD is worth checking out as well, and I know since I have an ADVANCED COPY, but the CD comes to stores May 5.
Official Site

......TERRIBLE. These guys were lip syncing every song and the guitaring was fake. Pretty much the only thing that was real was the drums from a non offical member of the band only there to back up the band, or shall I say crue. At least he got to play a few drum solos for us which were good. They took there masks off after 2 songs which shows they were tired of wearing masks. I think this is one of the worst acts ever and theres so much hype over them which sucks. I left a few times to take a break.
Official Site

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